1. Eat more fiber
This maxim was best expressed by Dennis Burkitt, a great medical missionary and scientist of the 20th century who studied and promoted the importance of fiber to human nutrition: “Big stools, small hospitals; small stools, big hospitals.” Fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, raspberries, avocados, carrots, broccoli and peas are generally fiber-rich. But don’t forget about legumes (black beans, chickpeas, split peas and lentils), nuts and seeds (almonds, pistachios, sunflower and chia seeds) and whole grains (whole-wheat pastas and breads, bran muffins, oatmeal and even popcorn). If you aren’t getting enough and remain constipated, take a daily high-fiber supplement like psyllium husk (found in laxatives such as Metamucil).
2. Eat more whole fruits and vegetables
Both provide fiber and a broad range of vitamins and minerals. These foods should be the main event at your meals to lower the risk of serious health problems like stroke, heart disease and some cancers, and to help maintain a healthy weight without feeling deprived. As I tell my kids, eat the rainbow every day.
3. Eat red meat no more than 1-2 times a week
Instead, choose leaner proteins such as lentils, beans, fish, turkey, quinoa, nuts and nut butters or egg whites. Try meat as a garnish or flavor-booster rather than the center of the meal.
4. Drink more water
Most of us are water-deprived. Adults need at minimum 8-10 cups or 64 ounces per day, people who are very active or athletes will probably need more as well. This will also prevent constipation.
5. Avoid processed foods
Most have extra colors, chemicals, unhealthy fats and simple carbohydrates like sugars and white flour. Those empty carbs, in particular, are trashing our health. They quickly turn into glucose that causes blood sugar swings and can cause weight gain because they don’t fill us up like fiber-rich foods, fats or protein. Even healthy carbs like whole grains should be no more than about 1/4 of your plate per meal.
6. Enjoy healthy fats
Fats add flavor, but some aren’t so great for us. Choose healthy fats, such as the ones found in avocados, nuts such as almonds and walnuts, eggs, fish, chia and other seeds, tofu, olive oil and — my favorite — dark chocolate (in moderation!)
7. Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids (ALA, EPA or DHA) are important for optimal health and are found in salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines, nuts and seeds (such as flaxseed, chia and walnuts), green vegetables (such as Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach and salad greens), certain vegetable oils (such as flaxseed, soybean and canola), and some fortified foods (usually labeled and includes certain eggs, yogurt, milk and soymilk). Most Americans do not get nearly enough Omega-3 from their diet. If you are lacking and can’t/won’t eat more of the above, consider taking a supplement.
8. Avoid sugared beverages
Those include soda, juice, milkshakes and those expensive sweetened lattes. These are those simple carbs that mess with your blood sugar and offer no benefits. Instead, drink water, sparkling water, tea or coffee without sugar.
9. Plan meals in advance, and stock up on good snacks
People usually eat much more healthfully with planning, and, like everything, it gets easier when done repeatedly. Make a meal plan for the week before grocery shopping, cook breakfast for the week ahead of time and pack lunches the night before. Wash and slice fruits and vegetables ahead and then put them out for snacking or for lunch-making, prepare a pot of beans or pre-assemble a salad so it’s ready when you want it. It also helps to avoid last-minute snacking and eating out, which is when many people eat excess calories and additives.
10. Reduce alcohol consumption
Moderate consumption is two drinks per day for men or 14 in total over a week, and one a day or 7 per week for women. It’s not as much as most people think. Consuming alcohol raises the risk of breast cancer and some other cancers. If you don’t already drink, don’t start.
11. Don’t smoke
That includes cigarettes, marijuana, vaping, pipes and cigars. They are all bad for you. If you do it, decrease your consumption and pick a date when you will quit. Smoking decreases your life expectancy by about 10 years, and if you are obese and you smoke, your life expectancy is reduced by several more years. Many smokers live with devastating smoking-related illnesses that impact their lives and the lives of their loved ones. There are many good programs that can help with quitting.
12. Move more
If you increase activity this year, you’ll be doing great things for health. Try: using a standing desk, taking the stairs, walking to work, gardening, socializing with movement like walking, tossing a ball around, dancing.
Recommendations for exercise from the American Heart Association for adults: Do moderate-intensity cardio exercise (aerobic activity like brisk walking, swimming laps, running, cycling, most exercise classes) for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week; alternately, 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. Also, do resistance (weight or exercise band) training 2 times per week, ideally doing 1 set or more (10-15 reps) of 8-10 different exercises.
For kids (ages 6-17): Sixty minutes or more per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily including a combination of aerobic, muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activities.
Older adults with chronic conditions who cannot do 150 minutes of moderate-intense aerobic activity per week should remain as physically active as their condition allows.
13. Sleep well
Exercise and healthy nutrition contribute to better sleep. Infants and school-age children and adolescents need more sleep, ranging from 16-18 hours for newborns, to at least 10 hours a night of sleep for school-age children and teens.
14. Avoid screens
As I wrote about here in last month’s column, using screens has been associated with lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents. For everyone, screen time is likely to isolate us from face-to-face contact, decrease our activity, and undermine health in other ways. Limit screen time for children ages 2-5 to 1 hour per day, for older children and young adults to 2 hours per day.
15. Socialize
Gather with others and the mental health benefits add up. Opportunities to do this outside a family include joining a church, doing activities at a community or senior center, taking a class at a local library or school, going to sporting events, playing on a team and taking a regular exercise class. Or meet your neighbors or find a MeetUp group online. If you’re up to it, invite friends over.
16. Volunteer
This is usually social and offers the mental health benefits of helping others. It keeps you active, and the whole community benefits. Look for something that is convenient for you, doing things you enjoy.
17. Add culture
This is about getting out of your daily routines and habits and experiencing more of the world’s art and beauty. Plus, you’ll mingle with others and support artists. See a play or hear live music, visit museums or galleries, check out what’s happening at your local high school and support young musicians and theater kids.
18. Nature bathe
Just sitting among trees and greenery or listening to waves at the beach can soothe spirit and soul. If you can escape to the mountains or ocean that’s great, but you can also benefit from a walk in the park or around the block. Fresh air and outdoor light can change our perspective.
19. Schedule relaxation
Take time to do nothing, (or close to it). Give yourself open space to doodle, journal, play an easy game, read something fun, take a bath or just listen to your favorite music. If you can swing it, schedule a massage.
20. Try something new
Take up an instrument, (I just started playing drums again), learn a new language, or browse through the community center catalog to see if there’s an intriguing class or club. Create a new tradition. Do something special to mark the season, like visiting local flowering trees (or the Skagit Valley tulips) every spring or viewing salmon returns at Thanksgiving. Make a certain food for everyone on Sundays or bring a treat to an elder neighbor every other Wednesday. Change stimulates the brain and the imagination and opens us to new experiences. The new year could become your favorite year ever.
Mindy Fairbanks, DO, is a board-certified family medicine and obesity medicine physician at Kaiser Permanente Silverdale Medical Center. She grew up in Camas, Washington, and has lived all over the country. She and her husband, a Navy physician, have two kids and two dogs. She loves traveling, reading books, baking cookies, entertaining (so other people eat her cookies), and spending time outdoors.
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