52 Small Things is a self-care program created just for you! While the weekly challenges started at the beginning of this year, you can join in at any time. Read all about the program and make sure you follow our 52 Small Things Accountability Buddy for daily prompts to help you achieve each task.
There are no rules for joining. You can come up with your own goals for the year or you can follow along with our weekly themes. If you are unable to participate in a specific week, no worries! You can jump back in the following week or even skip around if you prefer. We want you to do what’s best for you. After all, that’s why they call it self-care.
If you would like a regular update of our weekly challenges, you can sign up to receive our Monday newsletter by pressing the “join us” button on the #52SmallThings page. Or you can come back to this page every week to stay up-to-date.
Outline three goals you have for 2020. You should pick an easy, moderate and ambitious goal. For example:
If you take small steps toward your large goal over the year, you’re more likely to achieve it. In the meantime, while you’re working on your one big goal, you can feel a greater sense of accomplishment by tackling some of your smaller or moderate goals — goals you can reasonably accomplish in a day or over a shorter period of time.
Because you’re worth it! And you can achieve your goals in 2020. We have faith in you.
Creating an action plan outlining how you can reasonably achieve your three goals this year.
Jot down three things you are grateful for every day.
You can record your gratitude list anywhere. Put it in a note on your phone, scribble it on a piece of paper or share it with the Mighty community by posting it as a Thought or Question with the hashtag #52SmallThings. You don’t have to spend a lot of time making your list but to make it a self-care/mindfulness practice, you should put some thought into it — hence writing it down!
Why You Should Do It
When you’re feeling down it can be hard to think of anything positive. That’s why practicing gratitude can be so powerful — it forces you to remember that even in the darkness, there is still light. Studies show there are physical and mental health benefits to practicing gratitude including decreased anxiety, improved sleep, reduced depression, stress relief and help fighting illness.
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Making a list of five things you are grateful for instead of just three.

Take a break – Do one relaxing thing for yourself every day – cartoon of grey pause button
The Ask
Do one relaxing thing for yourself every day.
How to Do It
When life gets busy, it’s easy to put your needs on the backburner. Prioritize your needs by taking some time for yourself. Take a two-minute break or a two-day break! Do whatever is best for you. Maybe you can go on a walk with your dog, binge-watch a TV show or spend some time every day focusing on your breathing. There’s no wrong way to take a break, as long as it rejuvenates you.
Why You Should Do It
With so much going on between work, doctor’s appointments and everything in between, it can be difficult to take time for yourself. We want you to remember that relaxing, resting and recharging is a productive use of time too. If you feel guilty for taking a break, this is your reminder that it’s OK to take time for yourself. You are worth it!
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Taking one whole day to do something just for you.

Personal hygiene – Prioratize a personal hygiene task this week – cartoon of a toothbrush and toothpaste
The Ask
Take care of yourself and prioritize a personal hygiene task.
How to Do It
Keeping up with your personal hygiene can be exhausting, especially when you live with a health condition. When dealing with pain or other life-disrupting symptoms, it’s easy to deprioritize things like brushing your teeth. That’s why we want to focus on hygiene. Whether that’s flossing more often, finding a dry shampoo that works for you or anything else you might want to try.
Why You Should Do It
Doing things like washing your hands or brushing your teeth might seem insignificant compared to your more urgent health needs. However, not doing these things can negatively affect your health, increasing your risk of infections or the likelihood of gum disease. Use this as a reminder that, although it can be tedious, taking care of your hygiene is a way to show yourself the love and care you deserve.
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Creating a hygiene routine.

Reading – dedicate some time to reading this week – cartoon of a book with bookmark
The Ask
Pick up a book and dedicate some time to reading.
How to Do It
Focus on the joy of reading. Whether you want to get back into the swing of a routine or need some inspiration to start your reading journey, take time to make books a priority.
Why You Should Do It
Not only is reading a fun activity, but it’s been known to help reduce stress and improve memory as well as empathy. Let this be the nudge you might need to pick out a book and get reading!
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Finishing a book from start to finish in seven days.

Sleep – Work on your sleep hygiene this week – cartoon of a person sleeping in bed
The Ask
Make better sleep habits a priority.
How to Do It
What are some things you can work on to better your sleep hygiene? First, identify any sleep-related challenges you are facing. Then devise a solution. If you aren’t sure what might help, you can pick from our list below:
- Stick to the same bedtime every day
- Set an alarm and wake up at the same time every day
- Limit or cut out caffeine
- Ditch your screens (TV, phone, etc) at least two hours before bed
- Try some guided meditation before bed
- Sleep in complete darkness
Why You Should Do It
Getting a good night’s sleep can help improve your mood as well as your energy. Yes, changing your sleep pattern is hard work. But your body will thank you for it, and you might wake up feeling better than you did the night before!
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Choosing two ways (not just one) to improve your sleep.

Self-Love – Practice small acts of self-love this week – cartoon of a heart shaped flower in a pot
The Ask
Practice small acts of self-love this week.
How to Do It
Practicing self-love is sometimes easier said than done. Thinking about yourself in a positive light can be difficult, but the more you focus on it, the easier it becomes. Share how you’re focusing on self-love or support your fellow Mighties as they work on appreciating themselves!
Why You Should Do It
Showing yourself self-love can help build your confidence as well as boost your mood. With so much going on in life, sometimes we forget to appreciate ourselves. This is a reminder that it’s OK to recognize your positives and appreciate your accomplishments — both big and small.
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Helping someone else recognize the self-love they deserve.

Kindness – show others kindness this week. Cartoon of figure holding blue umbrella for another figure.
The Ask
Show others kindness.
How to Do It
Kindness comes in many different forms — from holding the door open for strangers to providing a shoulder to lean on for a friend. When you have so much going on in life, being kind to others might be something that slips through the cracks. Even if you realize the importance of compassion, actually acting on it might not happen as often as you would like. In order to focus on being nice to one another, this theme is all about showing others kindness.
Why You Should Do It
Being compassionate can help you make friends. (Plus, being nice simply makes you feel good.) While kindness might not seem like a big deal, everyone has their own set of struggles and a small act of kindness can make an incredible impact.
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Doing something kind for yourself.