When it comes to developing healthy habits, many children face an uphill battle. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that more than 40% of teens will struggle with obesity by the age of 19. And the American Heart Association reports that only 26% of American students are engaging in the recommended level of physical activity.

Improving Your Child’s Health Through Food
The brighter side is that parents can significantly shape their kids’ eating habits in a positive and lasting way that promotes both mental and physical health. Andrea Carpenter, a registered dietitian and founder of nutrition consultancy NutriKidz, says that by offering “children a variety of nutrient-dense foods with different flavors and textures,” parents can help young eaters get a head start on building healthy diets.
Here are five strategies for parents to consider as they persuade even the pickiest eaters to consume age-appropriate amounts of proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy.
1. Lead By Example
The more parents are willing to try new and nutritious foods themselves, the more likely their children will be, too. To model this positive example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends emphasizing your own healthy choices around your children. Are you switching out potato chips for vegetables, fruits and whole grains and opting for water and milk instead of nutrition-devoid soft drinks? How about experimenting with an unfamiliar vegetable? Making a note of these choices makes a difference.
But it’s not enough to simply walk the walk. Since the way parents talk about nutrition can have a lasting impact as well, rely on positive messaging to reinforce a balanced relationship with food. For example, experts advise against categorizing foods as good or bad. Instead, praise young eaters when they make a smart choice or opt for wholesome food over sugary snacks. And always make sure to describe food in terms of nourishment and joy.
2. Take Them Grocery Shopping
Think of a grocery shopping outing as a teachable moment. Start by discussing where certain foods come from and why they’re healthy. Encourage responsibility by allowing your child to hand-pick items such as apples and oranges. Teach kids how to decode nutrition labels by explaining key terms such as serving size, calories per serving and percent daily value in kid-friendly language.
And if the occasional high-sugar snack makes it into your shopping cart, let it fly. Desserts in moderation can foster balance, while banning treats outright can lead to feelings of deprivation, prompting children to overindulge in those off-limits foods, reports the health and wellness site KidsHealth.
3. Cook Homemade Meals
Lifelong habits can kick off right in your kitchen. “A family approach is the best healthy eating habit,” says Carpenter. “Cooking together, meal planning and preparing together, and eating meals and snacks together are great ways to enjoy food without putting pressure on kids to eat certain foods.”
Scour the internet for easy-to-make meals that call for fresh ingredients. And don’t be afraid to use family cooking sessions as an educational opportunity. Measuring ingredients, discussing a food’s source and adhering to a recipe isn’t just about cooking and nutrition—the hands-on process can serve as a lesson of all kinds: from sharpening math and science skills to learning about the environment and fostering creativity.
4. Avoid Cooking Separate Meals For Kids
Ever feel as if you’re running a restaurant—complaints from diners and all? You’re not alone. “Feeding kids is not an easy task,” says Carpenter. “It’s not uncommon for parents and kids to have some bumps in the road, and one of the more common challenges arises when kids start to become more selective and picky in the toddler years.”
Even as kids resist certain options, Carpenter advises that parents steer clear of caving. “The best thing to do is to continue exposing them to a wide variety of foods instead of catering to their selective preferences.”
5. Keep Healthy Snacks At Home
Snack time may seem like a low priority, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it as an opportunity for cementing nutritious eating habits. In fact, the AAP recommends that parents use snack time as a way to promote consumption of healthy foods by pairing fruits and vegetables with protein-rich options. Think grapes and cheese or carrot sticks and hummus.
Parents don’t have to act like short-order cooks or food sergeants to get their kids to eat—and enjoy—nutrient-rich foods. By adopting a few simple steps, parents can help educate their children, contribute to a positive lifelong relationship with food and nutrition and promote a healthy lifestyle for their kids.