MONSEY – Rabbi Shmuel Gancz, his wife, Devorah, and their seven children were marking the seventh night of Hanukkah on Saturday when smartphones at the party started to buzz wildly, their screens alight with group chats and WhatsApp notifications.
A mile away, a man with a machete had burst into a similar party and began swinging the weapon wildly. There were injuries. When the messages began flying, the assailant was still at large.
People were told to stay indoors, but the Ganczes had to get their kids home. They have three boys and four girls, age 2 to 12. And the rabbi, who leads Chabad of Suffern, wanted to see how he could help the victims.
What does a parent say to help their child navigate fear and uncertainty?
Devorah Gancz — who has a searing childhood memory of seeing men from her synagogue being shot on the streets of Chicago — said an attack so close “definitely hit home.”
“And until they were able to catch the suspect, there was real fear,” she said. “We don’t know where he is. We don’t know what his next stop is.”
Important conversations
She said she and her husband have had several conversations with their three eldest children — a son, 12, and daughters, 10 and 9 — about incidents of anti-Semitism. In each, she said, they strive to validate their feelings, even disturbing ones, and offer comfort and the truth.
“Unfortunately, it’s too often that we’re talking to our children about these things, but it’s even more important when it’s one after the next like this to make them feel that they have a safe space at our home,” she said.
“Giving them a little extra love, a little extra time, whether it be before they go to sleep, because that can be a time that, really the fears kick in, spending that extra few minutes there with them and trying to speak about maybe other things, move their mind away when they’re going to bed.”
Parents should tune in to their children’s feelings, the couple said.
Said Devorah: “I think speaking to them is very important and — more than speaking — listening. Listening to them and validating their fears.”
When they do speak, it’s with age-appropriate language and content, not over-sharing details that might cause more concern.
Waiting for calm
Shmuel Gancz said the timing was important as the events unfolded around them last weekend.
“We did try to avoid talking to the kids while he was on the loose. If they didn’t hear the story, we knew they were going to sleep, only our oldest really knew the story, and he was calm with it and he was comfortable with it,” he said.
“The other two I didn’t share with them till next morning because when the assailant is loose, that’s a whole other anxiety factor that comes into play,” he said. “We waited for things to be calm, for things to make sense in our own mind, for our composure, until we talked to them.”
Devorah agreed.
“I don’t necessarily feel that I need to give them everything I’m seeing or reading in the news if it’s not going to be something that they’re going to hear elsewhere,” she said.
What did that conversation sound like?
“They’ll hear that somebody came into a synagogue and stabbed Jews that were celebrating Hanukkah. And I’ll listen and I’ll say that’s very scary,” she said, adding that also key was what it looked like.
“Probably more important is the way we hold ourselves in response,” she said. “If we can remain calm and show them that the fear is not going to overtake us, then they’ll cope much better.”
‘God watches over us’
Devorah recalled a living example of that — from her parents, Moshe and Leah Perlstein — when she was 8 or 9 years old, in Chicago.
“Somebody came through our neighborhood on a Friday night as everybody was walking to synagogue, shooting from his car. He shot a number of men that were walking to synagogue,” she said.
“A bunch of us kids were playing outside and somebody came yelling to the neighborhood, yelling ‘Run inside.’ You can imagine the fear was tremendous. He shot right across the street from me. I was little, so I don’t remember everything, but we were all terrified. That’s something that I can never forget, that fear that we had that day.”
She remembers her mother sending food in the ambulance, for the victims.
“I think that’s also important, that we show our kids how we respond, that we add more light and we look to do good. And in response to evil and in response to darkness in our world, we spread more light.”
She also remembers her father coming home from synagogue later that day and his mantra that night: God watches over us.
“I was able to go to sleep after my dad comforted us with those feelings of ‘God watches over us and we’re protected in that way.’ That’s the ultimate protection. From all that was said or given to us, the love that we felt that night from both my parents, those are the most important words that stuck with me.”
Active protection
After listening, and validating, the Ganczes talked about actions that have been taken to keep the children, and the community safe. Schools had stepped up security, they told their children.
Chabad of Suffern has an armed guard and the congregation worships behind locked doors.
That began last April 27, after a synagogue shooting in Poway, California, just north of San Diego. One woman was killed and three others injured, including the synagogue’s rabbi, when a gunman opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle during services. Suspect John Timothy Earnest, 19, faces a June 2, 2020 trial.
But Chabad had been talking about it for exactly six months before that, dating back to the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018, when 11 were killed.
“Not every synagogue can afford it,” Shmuel Gancz said. “We have a sponsor that literally called me up the next morning (after Poway) and said ‘Shmuel, you’re not doing any more services. Right now you’re getting on the phone and you’re getting yourself an armed former police officer to be at your Hebrew schools at your services and everything else.’”
The parents reminded their children, too, that two or three members of the congregation are former police officers, the rabbi said, and that everyone is working for their safety.
Come to us
Devorah said it’s important that her children know that they should come to their parents with questions, including to defuse rumors they’ve heard and fears they have.
“We always share with our children that there’s so much rumor that goes around in any of these stories. And that they shouldn’t be the bearer of bad news to their friends or siblings. And if they do hear anything at school, we’re the ones who can confirm whether or not what they’re hearing is true.”
Children aren’t the only ones who deal in rumors, Devorah said.
“We were in all of these group chats and WhatsApp and it was just buzzing away that night, full of false and true information. But honestly, I wasn’t really taking in any of that information. There was something someone posted about a shootout on the Palisades (Parkway). Everybody’s trying to share whatever they hear, what they know. It’s important to share that with our children also, that sometimes they may hear from their friends certain things and it’s not necessarily the truth.”
Devorah said she wants her children to come to her first.
“We’re the ones who might have that information for them that is accurate,” she said. “They’ll hear in school and it’s fearful and they’ll come back and say, ‘Is this true?’ I always keep to the true facts. I would never lie to my children or tell them something is not true if it is true.”
Each child’s response is different.
The rabbi said his eldest son was with him at a synagogue but didn’t want to sit inside the synagogue. He wanted to sit in another location where they also have prayers.
“That’s something that we have to validate,” Devorah said. “We have to recognize that that might be one of his reactions to what’s going on. And recognize that that’s OK right now. It’s still very fresh and raw and it will pass. We have to give our children that space to be fearful for a few days and go with the flow sort of. We have to respect that in them.”
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