Longmont’s Belinda Chirinos loves to dance, making the happy, sweaty Zumba dance party at the Longmont Recreation Center the ideal way to spend her New Year’s Day.

“It’s my thing,” she said. “Any opportunity I have to dance, I take it.”

Recreation centers in both Longmont and Boulder offered opportunities Wednesday for people to start a new year with movement and get started on their fitness resolutions.

In Longmont, about 300 people joined the Zumba party, offered for the ninth year at the rec center.

Reysie Tingley, who recently moved here from the Philippines, dances during the ninth year of the New Year’s Day Zumba Party at the Longmont Recreation Center on Jan. 1, 2020. (Matthew Jonas/Staff Photographer)

The crowd, the biggest Longmont Fitness specialist Carla Mathers can remember, was led by seven fitness instructors.

“Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance party,” she said. “It’s perfect for the new year.”

Plus, she said, Zumba works for all fitness levels and ages.

“As long as you’re moving and smiling and having fun, you can Zumba,” she said.

Longmont’s John Dietrich, who recently started taking Zumba classes with his wife, said he started as a way to up his cardio. Plus, he said, “it’s fun.”

Tami Caraballo, a fitness instructor in Fort Lupton who lives in Longmont, brought her husband and two daughters to the party. Zumba, she said, is the one workout where she’s having so much fun she doesn’t watch the clock.

“It puts you in a good mindset,” she said. “It’s good energy. It sets the tone for the year.”

In Boulder, the East Boulder Community Center offered free admission, tours and classes on New Year’s Day.

Steve Mannhard, left, spots his daughter Rose Mannhard, 6, both of Boulder, as she boulders on the climbing wall during the free Fitness and Dance Fest at the East Boulder Community Center on Jan. 1, 2020. (Matthew Jonas/Staff Photographer)

Class options included a high energy cycling class, a Cuban dance sampler, strength training, and an introduction to suspension training and yoga. There were also weight room orientation sessions, swim lesson assessments, a children’s obstacle course, basketball and free childcare.

“We just want to get people moving and active,” said Megan Langerak, the East Boulder Community Center’s facility operations coordinator. “It’s an awesome event.”

Boulder’s Ali Feldman, who has a 5-year-old and a 7-year-old, said she was a recreation center regular pre-kids, but now mainly visits to take her kids to the pool. On Wednesday, her 5-year-old tried a dance class.

“This is a good chance to get reacquainted with the rec center,” she said. “Now that our kids are older, there may be some classes that make sense.”

Louisville’s Ann Lezberg said she already takes classes at the rec center, but took the opportunity Wednesday to explore some new ones.

“It’s a good way to start the year,” she said after finishing a dance class. “There’s good music and good teachers.”

Jonathan Horne dances with his daughter, Charlotte Horne, 1 1/2, both of Boulder, during a kids dance class at the free Fitness and Dance Fest at East Boulder Community Center on Jan. 1, 2020. (Matthew Jonas/Staff Photographer)

Cy Rinkel, who lives in Costa Rica and was visiting her sister in Boulder, said she was thrilled to find free classes so close, trying ballroom dancing and yoga.

“I would have paid, it was so fun,” she said. “Dance is my favorite thing. I love being with other people and doing fun things. This is a gift to myself.”