MUMBAI: Bollywood actors have evolved a lot in terms of acting, dance, physical fitness, and the way they carry themselves all the time. Actors like Vidhyuth Jamwal and Hrithik Roshan have set a high benchmark in dance and fitness. Actors like Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor are known for moulding their body to suit their character and at the same time keeping the fitness in mind.
Talking about fitness is not complete without discussing Tiger Shroff and sister Krishna Shroff. Our very own Jaggu Dada’s son Tiger has established himself as a fabulous actor and undoubtedly the best dancer and MMA specialist. Krishna Shroff is also setting a benchmark in fitness.
January 12 is celebrated as National Youth Day. This sibling duo is inspiring youngsters on fitness. Krishna recently shared that except cardio, all exercises are bearable to her. They eat more proteins rather than carbohydrates.
It will be nice to see Krishna Shroff entering Bollywood.
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