Ashley Williamson
Age: 32
Business: Crunch Fitness
Job title: General manager
Why are you working in this industry? The gym industry gives me the chance to see lives change on a daily basis.
What are three daily habits that have helped you to become successful?
► Organize
► Prioritize
What was the most significant hurdle you had to overcome to get where you are? How would you address this hurdle today? Being a single, teenage mother. I would address the hurdle the very same way, by digging my heels in, getting my education and providing for myself and my daughter.
What is an accomplishment that shaped your career? Receiving General Manager of the Year in 2019, during my very first year.
What was your first summer job? Working in a tanning salon.
Describe yourself in one word. Determined
If you were to give one piece of advice to someone starting out in your field what would it be? Be kind and lead from the front.
Community Involvement:
- Abilene Young Professionals – member
- Health Services Advisory Committee 2016-18
- Toys for Tots – volunteer
- Air Force Key Spouse
- U.S. Air Force 2009-13
- Big Country 4-H Volunteer
Your family: Matthew, husband; Bella and Aiden Williamson, children; Kerry Sharp, father; Jeff and Gaylene Bryant, stepfather and stepmother.
More: 20 under 40, 2020: Honoring young Abilene professionals
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