In this new school year, up your game and try these proven ways to put the fun back into healthy eating writes Indra Balaratnam
MEALTIMES are meant to be enjoyable and nourishing. The last thing any family wants is to have a battle with a wilful child who refuses to eat what’s being served.
Yelling and nagging will only make your child more resentful.
Children learn what, when and how much to eat based on their own family’s habits and practices.
So if you want to instill healthier eating habits, it has to be something that the whole family embraces as well.
The truth is, there is no one food group that fulfils all the nutrient requirements of your growing child.
So exposing them to a variety of food will help prevent nutrient deficiencies.
Studies show that it is commonplace for an estimated one in two Malaysian children to be deficient in important nutrients such as calcium and Vitamin D.
This shows that nutrition awareness for parents and children is paramount in getting families to eat better.
Good nutrition is the building block to a child’s immunity towards illnesses as well as healthy physical and brain development.
So the sooner you expose them to a wide variety of different food, the sooner they will get the crucial nutrients they need in this phase of their growth and development.
Enjoy everything in moderation.
Watch portions to avoid your child from over-or under-eating. This is what dietitians mean by eating moderately.
Follow the MyHealthy Plate visual “sukusukuseparuh” from the Ministry of Health Malaysia to create a balanced daily meal.
Fill a quarter of your plate with a grain, another quarter with protein, and half of your plate with vegetables and/or fruit.
Don’t forget to include servings of dairy as well. Make it like a game and let your child pick-and-choose what goes on their plate.
Here are some tips:
*Let your child plan their school bento box to make it more fun, like a game of mix-and-match.
*Healthy eating doesn’t mean that you can’t have the occasional dessert.
Just don’t use it as a reward because your child will treat it as a prize and crave it even more.
*Choosing healthier choices — such as a fortified chocolate malt beverage or yogurt with fruit has so much more good nutrition for your child compared to just a candy bar or ice-cream.
* Let your child plan the menu and involve them in the grocery shopping.
* Look up simple, healthy recipes to try together with your child.
* Cook with your kids and give them responsibilities at mealtimes such as laying the table, cutting fruit for the family, or preparing water/drinks.
* Celebrate your child’s efforts. For example, if they eat their vegetables, give them a reward.
* Don’t stock up on junk food. It’s a losing battle telling your child not to eat it when it is there. Get them to think of healthier options to get as snacks.
* Visit a farm as a fun weekend outing. This helps children appreciate how food is grown and cultivated.