Have kids practice wearing masks now, Lincoln pediatrician says – Lincoln Journal Star

Have kids practice wearing masks now, Lincoln pediatrician says



This graphic from Bryan Health shows how masks decrease the likelihood of spreading COVID-19.

Bryan Health

As the start of a school year in which students are going to be required to wear masks approaches, a local pediatrician says it’s a good idea to practice.

“With school opening up here in the next few weeks, it’s very important that we work on practicing compliance with masking,” said Dr. Stephen Russell, a pediatrician with Bryan Health.

Lincoln Public Schools is set to begin classes Aug. 12, and students and staff will be required to wear masks unless the local COVID-19 risk dial improves to the green range.

Russell said parents should start having their children wear masks for short periods of time, including while they are playing. They also should consider experimenting with different styles of masks and different materials to see which ones their kids tolerate the best. And they should offer positive praise when kids wear their masks when asked.

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It’s also important that parents set a good example by wearing masks themselves in situations where it’s recommended or required, he said.

“If we do it, they’re going to be more likely to follow those leads,” Russell said.

And parents should talk to their children about why wearing masks at school is important, he said.

“It’s not to scare them, but just to answer questions about viruses and how they enter the nose and the mouth. And by covering that area you can prevent the spread of the virus,” Russell said.

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Reach the writer at 402-473-2647 or molberding@journalstar.com.

On Twitter @LincolnBizBuzz.

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