Final Weeks to Earn Prizes
Saturday, August 1 is the final day to log reading time and earn prizes for this year’s Summer Reading Program. Prize pick-up can be scheduled through August 7. Visit for details, including a video spotlighting all of this summer’s reading incentives. Made possible by the Library Friends & Foundation.
Building Open with Limited Hours
Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Library collections are open for check-out. A limited number of computers are available, with printing. The second floor and all meeting and study rooms are closed until further notice. Free Wi-Fi available outdoors 24/7.
Curbside Service by Appointment
Mondays-Fridays 2 – 5 p.m.
Place holds, then watch for an email notice, and schedule a convenient pick-up time. Full details at
Spring Check-outs due August 1
Due dates have resumed, and Library materials may be returned inside or anytime in the drive-up book returns in front of the Library.
Whether you’re busy, or just looking for new authors, the Library is offering a convenient new service called “Special Order—Just for You”. Visit for an online form, where you can list authors and media that appeal to you, and the Library will bundle books, movies and more matched to your interests.
Transforming the Journey of Loss
A free online workshop for anyone experiencing a loss in their life. Led by well-known local author and grief specialist Dayle Spencer. Participants can attend anytime and view the content at their own pace. Includes a free download to the workbook, “Scars, Sorrows, and Regaining Strength after Loss”. Details at
Book Discussion: “How to be an Anti-Racist”
Mondays, Aug. 10 and 17, via Zoom
Bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi draws upon history as well as personal narrative to consider what an antiracist society might look like. Held in partnership with Estes Valley Crisis Advocates. Register at
Drawing and Painting with Chase
Now on Library’s YouTube channel
Sharpen your art skills while enjoying the creativity of self-expression. Children’s Librarian Chase Chauffe leads all ages through the steps of achieving creative artwork. This week’s lessons feature mixed media. Watch anytime.
Owls and Kestrels, with Rocky Mountain Raptors
Now on Library’s YouTube channel
Staff from Rocky Mountain Raptors recently visited the Library, with their special guests: a real Great Horned Owl and an American Kestrel. Watch the recording anytime and learn about these animals and how they were rescued—at
Preschool and Baby Storytimes Online
New every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Children ages 0 to 6 and their families can enjoy stories, songs, puppets and activities, online each week with new themes. See the upcoming roster at and watch previous recordings on the Library’s YouTube channel.
Early Childhood Music Workshops
Now on Library’s YouTube channel
Music is a great stimulus for children’s cognitive development. Join local music therapist Nancy Bell for learning inspired through songs, especially for kids ages 0 to 6. Now online.
Spanish Read-Aloud with Gretel
Weekly on Library’s YouTube channel
Enjoy Spanish-language storybooks read aloud—and count your minutes listening toward your prize log for the Summer Reading Program.
Cliffhanger Used Books
Cliffhanger Used Books, operated by the Library Friends & Foundation, is open Mondays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. The store is located at 191 W. Riverside Drive. Featuring thousands of books at bargain prices.