Dear Coco,
We go to a decent restaurant and are seated next to an ill-mannered child who likes to scream and throw temper tantrums. How can we get a better table without making a scene?
– Just Want Peace
Dear Just Want Peace,
We’ve all been there. These days, however, I’m more likely to be the one in the booth with the hangry kiddo… and I can tell you from personal experience: mom and dad would also like to be moved to a different table.
Interestingly as our culture has become more foodie-friendly, family restaurants are falling out of fashion, which means bringing little ones into a nicer establishment has become the norm. Some restaurants have caught up and offer activities for kids and adjust their service to little ones, while others prefer to cater to the adults at the table.
If you find yourself at the noisy table next door, you have a few options. Most obviously, you can politely ask your server if a quieter table is available in the restaurant. Most places are happy to accommodate, though if you do swap tables consider tipping extra or twice because you may be breaking up a server’s section or change servers altogether.
One thing that I’ve found to be universally true is that cranky kiddos just need a solid distraction to bide some time. If you’re headed out and this is a concern of yours, consider throwing a few small containers of Play-doh or packs of crayons in your bag to pass to the overextended parents. Not only will you help to quiet the crabby-pants at the next table, you’ll be seen as a hero to everyone in the vicinity.
If all else fails, wrap up your meal quickly and head to a nice place for a drink to continue your conversation – if you’re in Mansfield, I recommend Martini’s on Main or The Happy Grape, in Shelby, The Vault, and in Ashland, Uniontown Brewing, Shanks, or The Taproom on Main.
Dear Coco,
I’m astonished at the high cost for families for gyms in the area. I have had gastric sleeve due to health issues and have a limited budget. The cost of gyms to be able to tone and exercise is unreal. How can I get healthy without breaking the bank?
– Healthy
Dear Healthy,
Here’s the truth: it’s cheaper and easier in our country to be unhealthy. Fresh produce, chic workout clothes, and gym memberships can be a luxury, which seems ridiculously unfair. So, bravo to you for pushing through and finding a way to make it work for you, on your budget.
The good news is, there are many options available to you that don’t cost much or anything at all. First, most YMCAs offer financial assistance for low income households; that is true for the Mansfield Y, Shelby Y, Galion Y, and the Ashland Y. If you happen to be over age 65, you also may qualify for Silver Sneakers through your Medicare plan.
You also don’t have to join a gym to exercise! If you prefer to be guided, as I do, and if you subscribe to streaming services like Amazon Prime or Hulu, they’re filled with awesome workout videos that you can do at home.
Even if you’re not subscribing to any streaming services, YouTube has some great fitness channels – I really like Yoga with Adriene and I’ve heard great things about The Fitness Marshall and PopSugar Fitness. You can invest in an exercise mat and some hand weights, or you can skip the mat and sub out some canned goods for hand weights in a pinch!
Lastly, when the weather allows you can go outside and go for a walk, hike or a jog and get your blood pumping, and enjoy a little vitamin D while you’re at it. Don’t let budget be a barrier to getting yourself healthy!
If you’re in a predicament and need an outside perspective, Ask Coco by filling out the form below: