Actress Drew Barrymore took to Instagram earlier this week to show off her inspiring fitness transformation. The 44-year-old mother of two said that getting fit for her role of Sheila Hammond on the show Santa Clarita Diet lead to an amazing 20 pound weight loss — and she has the before and after photos to prove it.
“Every spring, when I would start training to become #SHEILAHAMMOND, Marnie was the one who got me there,” Barrymore wrote, referencing her personal trainer Marnie Alton. “I lost 20 pounds and trained like a mother.”
Barrymore also included and incredibly sweet dedication to Alton, crediting her for being able to go through such an impressive physical transformation.
“She is poetry in a human being,” Barrymore wrote of her trainer. “The best heart. Her priorities are in the right place. She is humorous and so so so knowledgeable about our bodies. I love her. Inside and out.”
And Barrymore’s transformation pictures didn’t stop there. On Wednesday, she posted another side-by-side photo showing how much her body has changed from the time she was pregnant until now. And this time, Barrymore delved into the emotional toll that going through drastic physical changes during and after pregnancy can take.
“I go up and I go down,” Barrymore wrote. “The rollercoaster of my body is a challenging, but beautiful ride. I made two kids. The single most important purpose for me being on this planet is for them! It is a true miracle I was able to have these two girls. So whatever the aftermath on my body, well bring it on! That said, there have been times i have stood in my closet and just cried. Hated getting dressed. Didn’t feel good!”
She also explained that her new super fit physique did not by any means come easily to her, and she shared an inspiring message to other mothers who may be wanting to get their bodies back to how they were pre-pregnancy.
“It takes so much for me to look decent,” she wrote. “I have to eat just right and work my ass off! I cannot fight the fact that I have the propensity to be the Pillsbury dough boy! (Now all I can think about is crescent rolls) So DON’T Be fooled by what you see when people are thin right after baby. Don’t compare yourself to the magazines and the red carpets. If I looked decent on anything I have done since I had my two kids, I have clawed my way there. You can too!”
Both of Barrymore’s posts were met with plenty of love from fans, including many women who were experiencing similar body struggles.
“I am 13 weeks postpartum and am in the “crying in my closet, hate getting dressed” stage,” one commenter wrote. “To be honest, I don’t get dressed much anymore. But I know I will get to a healthier place. I need this message today. Thank you!?”
Laura is a NYC-based freelance writer.