It’s prevalent for parents to assume that how can their young children be mentally stressed out or have negative thoughts? We perceive their world as happy, cheerful, carefree, but at the end of the day, they have their own mental capacity and their own struggles. What might be insignificant to you might mean a lot to them, what must be easy to comprehend for you might wreak havoc on their inner peace. If you feel that your child is suffering from negative thoughts or is having mental stress, here’s how you can help them:
1. Understand The Importance Of Mental Health And Do Not Ignore It
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You can be a tough and practical person but remember you, and they come from very different generations and times. Their struggles might seem like #FirstWorldProblems to you, or they might seem like ‘entitled’ problems, but it can affect them profusely especially at a time when social media has taken over every aspect of our lives. Please don’t ignore it. Look closely at change in their behavioural patterns, sleep schedule, and eating habits. Talk to them if you see a change. If they are constantly making excuses or are feeling lethargic than usual, it can be to evade their own stress as they might not even know what’s happening.
2. Deal With Them Patiently
Your child might not want to talk to you or may snub you, which is why you need to create an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance. Acknowledge your differences and handle them patiently. Let them know, time and again, that you are always there for them. This atmosphere of trust is not built in a day but is a slow and consistent process. Make a routine to spend some time with them every day.
3. Distract Not Denial

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You can take them shopping or to their favourite restaurant to cheer them up, but this distraction will not alleviate their anxiety. Don’t let your children and yourself go into denial. Deal with the problem and address it calmly. No matter how long it takes, make sure it is handled and not just shoved under the carpet.
4. Don’t Hesitate To Seek Professional Help
If you feel that you are unable to help your kid, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Child therapists are specialising in the same. Also, there might be a possibility that your child is not able to open up to you due to the nature of the situation or problem. It can be anything but know that an expert opinion is an option you must consider.
5. Adopt Healthy Habits
Eating good, spending quality time together regularly, eating at least one meal together, talking regularly, exercise, meditating can help you and your child cope with mental stresses.
6. Create A Safe Environment

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Create a safe and warm environment at home. Let your child know they can come to you for anything. Don’t belittle their problems or compare them with your own issues. Acknowledge the difference and embrace it with open arms. Build trust with your child, show them you care and are emotionally and physically available for them at every stage.
Also Read: 7 Tips & Tricks To Indulge Your Child Towards Healthy Eating And Living
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