NEW JERSEY (CBSNewYork) — Seven months into the coronavirus pandemic many people are experiencing burnout.
As CBS2’s Meg Baker reported, experts say self-care and supporting others are becoming more important than ever.
Mask. Hand sanitizer. What time is my meeting? The kids’ Zoom class? If you feel like your head is spinning from trying to keep track of everything, you’re not alone.
“Signs of burnout are things like feeling exhausted, extreme fatigue, feeling helpless or hopeless,” said Ann Murphy, a director at Rutgers School of Health Professions.
Burnout is more than stress. Murphy said you may not be able to sleep or may not want to get out of bed. Eating habits may also change.
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So, it’s important to check-in with yourself and those around you, especially if you hear things like, “It’s never going to get better. I don’t know why I bother,” said Murphy.
Take time to listen and offer support to others.
Karl Romain, a lifestyle expert, said burnout can happen to the whole family.
“Anxiousness, feelings of frustration, where you start to snap at each other, try to take each other’s head off,” Romain said.
To overcome it, Romain says to get everyone on a schedule.
“It’s not just scheduling the work time or school time. Schedule your downtime. Think about what do you want to do during that downtime. What are some fun activities that you can do as a family,” Romain said. “Be open, have family meetings and discuss how everyone is feeling. And just be honest about those emotions and those feelings.”
Romain’s top tip is to go for a walk. Fresh air can rejuvenate and clear the mind.
Other experts say make time for self-care. Read a book, get your hair done, whatever self-care means to you.
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