NEWBERRY — The Newberry Downtown Development Association’s next First Friday networking/socializing event will be held on Friday, March 6 from 5:45 to 7 p.m.
March’s First Friday event is Keeping Your Balance. Held at Five Rose Lane, the event is aimed towards anyone working to juggle work, family, kids and self-care.
Keeping Your Balance will showcase Lane Henderson Joiner, of Five Rose Lane, she will discuss fun ways to keep your little ones engaged while learning and will also offer a demonstration from her dance class, Hypnotic Heels. She will demonstrate how movement can be used to relieve stress while also improving physical health.
“Five Rose Lane is a learning collective for all ages and stages. Our students ages three and up attend drop-in classes that are structured around free play, learning practical life and social skills, and a one-of-a-kind curriculum designed to reach children at their appropriate developmental level,” Joiner said. “Our classes for adults focus on empowering women to claim their divine femininity through the art of dance.”
Dr. Wade Verch, Carolina West Clinic of Chiropractic, will also be featured at March’s event. He will speak about the effects of stress on the body and offer tips on finding and keeping work/life balance.
“We will be discussing sources of stress to the body and the effects of it on the immune system, as well as simple ways to keep your immune system fortified,” Verch said.
Snacks and beverages will be provided and all are invited to attend this free event.
Each First Friday event is held at a Downtown Newberry business and features an educational speaker, a fun, hands-on activity and networking/socializing with snacks and beverages. The entire Newberry community is invited to attend First Fridays Downtown.
“I love First Friday events because I see them as a way of bringing the community together. We are able to showcase businesses that people may not know about,” said Wendy Forgetta, NEWberry committee president.
April’s event will be “Getting Newberry Outside, Two Wheels at a Time.” This event will feature Marguerite Girard of Bike Baby, who will give suggestions for how to participate in cycling in the Newberry area. Girard will give a quick demonstration on how to put your chain back on when it comes off, and electric and adult balance bikes will be available to test drive. A representative from the Palmetto Trail will give a presentation about making use of this outdoor asset in Newberry County. The event will be on Friday, April 3 from 5:45 to 7 p.m. at Bike Baby.
Follow #NEWberry: Newberry Women on Facebook or see NewberryDowntown.com for further information.