It can sometimes be difficult to find ways to stay healthy, so we’ve asked members of our Baylor College of Medicine community to share what they do in their daily lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Claire Hoppenot, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and member of the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center at Baylor, shares some of her healthy habits with us.

Q: What health decisions start your day?
A: I try to squeeze in 10 to 15 minutes of yoga in the morning before my kids wake up. It helps me start the day with a slow stretch and a little bit of a workout. Claire-Hoppenot-HH

Q: What is your go-to healthy breakfast?
A: I’ve been eating a handful of peanuts and I love that it keeps me full all morning.

Q: What is your favorite type of exercise?
A: I like to go running and do yoga.

Q: What keeps you motivated during your workout?
A: I listen to audiobooks and if I keep running, I get to hear what happens next.

Q: What activities do you do when you can’t fit in a full workout?
A: I take the stairs and start my day with 10 to 15 minutes of yoga.

Q: What is your favorite healthful snack?
A: An apple.

Q: What do you include in your child’s lunch?
A: My kids love cheese, so I try to encourage them to eat cheese. I love that their school doesn’t allow juice or sweets, so it’s not an issue that they don’t have sweets. They do eat a lot of raisins and always have fresh fruit.

Q: How do you make an unhealthy recipe healthy?
A: I try to have smaller portions.

Q: What hobbies do you have to help you relax?
A: Reading fiction, journaling about the day, or music class with my kids.

Q: What is your go-to Houston restaurant for a healthy meal?
A: Local Foods in Rice Village.

Q: What is your favorite health tip that you live by?
A: Everything in moderation.

Additional Resources

Aerial yoga, cycling to work help Dr. Patrice Firpo stay active

Dr. Zachary Pallister focuses on adequate sleep, family time

Read more healthy habits from members of our community.

Learn how Baylor promotes a culture of healthy living and wellness.