PARKERSBURG, W. Va. In honor of national nutrition month, MOV WIC holds an open house for community members to learn about its services. The organization provided mothers, children and soon to be mothers information about the program.

MOV WIC is a federal nutrition program that provides free nutrition, counseling, breastfeeding education and access to health care for women infants and children up to the age of five who are eligible .
During the open house, nutritionist show mothers how to make smoothies and provide them with a gift bag.
Organizers say they just want mothers to see how important it is to have healthy nutrition.
“Just so we can help all of the children in the area and make a difference to them,” said Shannon Hedrick, outreach collaborator, MOV WIC. “We really want to impact them on healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.”
MOV WIC will be having baby showers for pregnant women and parents with babies 12 months and under.
For Wood County residents: 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 3rd at South Parkersburg Baptist. To RSVP, contact (304)485-0650 ext. 5014
For Wirt County residents: 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on May 22nd at The Elizabeth Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. To RSVP, contact Kathy Mason (304)275-4833.