Novi changes school hours to give teens more sleep; some kids will start earlier – Hometown Life

, Published 7:33 a.m. ET Dec. 23, 2019


Novi teens will have the chance to sleep a little later during the school week next fall, while some younger students will get up earlier.

The goal in changing school start times is to give teens better sleep, with high school and middle school students starting and ending their day 45 minutes later.

The district began investigating changing the start times earlier this year based on medical research from organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that says classes shouldn’t start before 8:30 a.m. for adolescents. Novi High School students currently are among the earliest starters nationwide, with a time of 7:15 a.m.

A committee studied how to more closely align with the CDC recommendation while still taking into consideration busing, childcare, and sports schedules, ultimately proposed the following school day times for the 2020-21 school year, which were adopted Dec. 19 by the board of education in a 6-0 vote:

  • 7:30 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. at Novi Meadows (fifth and sixth grades)
  • 8 a.m. to 2:44 p.m. at Novi High School;
  • 8:30 a.m. to 3:11 p.m. at Novi Middle School;
  • 9 a.m. to 3:52 p.m. at all elementary schools in the district; and 

“It may not be perfect; we can still tweak it, but it’s a great start,” Trustee Mary Ann Roney said.

The district has received about 1,000 survey responses from parents in the last month since announcing the proposed change.

More: Steve Matthews: When should schools start the day?

More: This Oakland County district is joining the push for starting school before Labor Day

More: This school district proposes later school start times to give teens better sleep

Superintendent Steve Matthews said there was “spirited discussion” at a Dec. 5 meeting on the school hours topic. Concerns raised include Meadows students waiting for the bus in the dark on winter mornings and scheduling. Matthews said students already wait in the dark for the school bus and that school officials realize that careful scheduling will mean continued access to athletic fields and gymnasiums for sports, although middle school practices may be shortened.

He noted there is no current waiting list for child care for Meadows students and the district will start “care options communication so (parents) can avail themselves.”

While the most angst seems to come from the earlier start times for the intermediate school students and some parents suggested a change to the bus system as a remedy, that is not possible, Matthews said.

“We have too many students. Over 80 students on a bus is beyond capacity,” he said. “We were asked to add buses and drivers, but we would need more than 20 additional drivers. Additionally, there is a nationwide and statewide shortage of bus drivers.”

School Board President Bobbie Murphy said that even if the district could afford to purchase more buses, there would be no room in the bus garage for them.

“This is not an easy decision for any of us,” she said. “This is the best we can do. Students are our number one priority. I pray our families can make adjustments that are not incredibly painful. There are sacrifices that come with having kids, and change is hard.”

Treasurer Kathy Hood said she read through the more than 80 pages of survey comments and the concerns were being taken seriously.

“I understand the economic pressure it puts on families,” she said “In the end, you can’t fight biology and the data is clear. I think this is the right thing to do for all our kids.”

While the board tried to allay concerns and said they would continue to look at tweaking the schedule and perhaps even discussing a reduction in homework, they believe a majority of district parents support the change.

“There was much, much support, and there were concerns and we have done our due diligence to find the most perfect imperfect option,” Trustee Danielle Ruskin said. “This is something we can control and we will see where it goes.”

Contact reporter Susan Bromley at or 517-281-2412. Follow her on Twitter @SusanBromley10.


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