Prevention Works is offering a program for parents of children ages birth to five years of age called “First Five Years” free of charge through a grant from the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County and a partnership between Prevention Works and Mental Health Association of Chautauqua.
The “First Five Years” parenting program is a three-session, two-hour video and discussion program from noon to 2 p.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 22, Oct. 29 and Nov. 5 through Zoom video meeting software.
One of the benefits of parenting classes is staying up to date one the newest and most effective parenting techniques. The program is for grandparents, nannies, childcare professionals, early childhood professionals, and anyone else who lives and works with young children
The program considers child development and parenting in terms of the age/stage of the child within the perspective of varied nuclear families and vignettes representative of diverse cultures. Through this program, parents learn how to make the most of their children early years. The course is an early intervention in an effort to increase school readiness. Participants who attend will learn the importance of developing language skills increasing vocabulary, and providing positive learning opportunities during early brain development, the stages of development – why their child acts like he/she does, how to keep a child safe, how to bond with their child, the importance of self-care, and how they can discipline their young child.
To register, call Kathleen Colby, director of training services, at 664-3608, ext. 226, or email kjcolby@preventionworks.us.The link to the Zoom training will provided.