Sensory Rock Play Gym & Therapy Grand Opening

Monkey bars in the new Sensory Rock gym are shown.
PARKER BOWMAN, the Sentinel
There is something new in Kings County! You are invited to celebrate the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of Sensory Rock Play Gym & Therapy in downtown Hanford. Saturday, March 21st from 10 am to 4 pm, bring your child to experience 30 minutes of play for only $5. Complimentary food will be served by Muscle Apron Jr. They offer tasty and healthy snacks including vegan options. Beginning at 10am, breakfast parfaits will be available; at noon, there will be a taco bar, snow cones and face painting. Visit their website at www.sensoryrock.com for play times and the tour schedule.
Sensory Rock’s mission is to reinforce therapy in a creative and imaginative way. The indoor gym is designed to accommodate the needs of children, parents, and healthcare professionals. Owner, Sheri Tos has collaborated with Troy Pfefferle of Fun Factory Sensory Gym to install a terrific indoor play gym right here in Hanford. Troy is the inventor of this custom designed sensory gym, and his work is acclaimed by healthcare professionals and parents for the innovative ways it connects with children with special needs.
Sensory Rock is a community where ALL children are invited to thrive, learn, grow, and have fun. Sensory Rock “Rocketeers” are dedicated to providing a playful, encouraging & innovative environment for ALL children, families, and visionary professionals, helping each child discover their God-given abilities. Sensory Rock is a place where you can find the tools and the community you need to help your child thrive. The gym will offer workshops, therapy and free play. Workshops include Birthday Parties/Room Rentals, Drop-Off Programs, and Etiquette/Social Awareness. For example, “This Little Piggy Has Manners” is a workshop promoting social awareness, social cues and social etiquette.
At Sensory Rock, families can experience Mommy and Me Classes, Movement Coaching and Personal Training. Matt Morgan from M3Coaching has collaborated with Sensory Rock to offer very specialized physical services as a movement coach for your child. Matt is a kinesiology, life and fitness coach who can help your child realize new possibilities.
Sensory Rock will also feature KINDERMUSIK where children can learn about music, coordination, and discover things they didn’t know they could do. Visit www.doremi.kindermusik.com to learn more about the KINDERMUSIK program at Sensory Rock.
Make sure to mark your calendar for March 21st and join Sensory Rock Paly Gym & Therapy as they celebrate their Grand Opening in their new home at 240 N. Irwin Street in downtown Hanford. During your visit, make sure to pick up information about joining the exclusive membership, Rocket Booster Club. As a member, your child can experience unlimited gym time for play and for therapy. Bring your ABA, therapist or tutor during open hours Monday through Friday. Visit www.sensoryrock.com for more information.