Source: Ariel Skelley / Getty
Welcoming a child changes your life in some of the most amazing ways. It makes you more compassionate, more patient, and a better planner. You become more resourceful and efficient. You’re given a new purpose and it’s exciting to experience the world through the eyes of your kid. You’ll never feel more in love than you do when you lay eyes on your child. At the same time, the lifestyle change that comes with a new baby can be a shock to the system. And it’s quite common to experience moments when you look back at the life you had before kids with longing. So before you take the plunge into parenthood, consider the things you’ll miss about child-free life and be sure to enjoy them now.
Going to the bathroom alone
Once you’re a mother, going to the bathroom alone becomes a thing of the past. Even before children are fully mobile, they figure out how to intrude on bathroom time. There will be times when the kids just want to peek inside to see what you’re up to and times when they suddenly realize that they have to use the restroom once you’re inside. And then, of course, those moments when your baby will bust the door open just because it seems like a fun thing to do. Still, moms continue to seek refuge in the bathroom in an attempt to steal little moments of alone time.
One of the most difficult adjustments new mothers have to make is adjusting to the lack of sleep that comes as a result of welcoming a child. Not only are you no longer able to go to sleep when you want, but it’s also more likely that you’ll be awakened several times a night. According to Live Science, research conducted by Kelly Sullivan, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Georgia Southern University, shows that less than half of women with children are getting enough sleep each night. Further, a woman’s likelihood of getting sufficient sleep at night decreases by 46 percent for each child that is in her household.
Alone time
Raising children allows for very little alone time— especially during the early years. People often underestimate how much care children require until they have kids of their own. A 2018 survey found that the average mother is only receiving 30 minutes of alone time each day. Unfortunately, this often results in a decline in self-care. Downtime is necessary to manage stress and decompress and is particularly important for parents considering all that they give to their families.
Couple time
When it’s just the two of you, you have the luxury of sleeping in on a Sunday morning, doing the deed whenever the mood hits, and spontaneous date nights. However, once kids enter the equation, romantic time is significantly diminished and requires more planning and flexibility. Additionally, you may notice that your relationship undergoes a transformation as you and your partner make the transition from being care-free love birds to parents. Not to worry, though. In many cases, within the new relationship, deeper bonds are established and you develop a greater appreciation for your partner.
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