Water Department replacing Arbor Hill water utilities through October
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The Albany Water Department is working to improve and replace underground water utilities in the Arbor Hill neighborhood. Work began September 3 and is expected to last for six weeks, through mid-October.
The work will keep water running reliably and safely into homes and fire hydrants in the area. Crews will replace a century-old water main and lead water services on Orange Street between Henry Johnson Boulevard and Lark Street. The project also adds a drinking fountain to Orange Street Park.
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Free autumn celebration walk at Hudson Crossing Park in Schuylerville
SCHUYLERVILLE, N.Y. (NEWS10)- There will be an Autumnal Equinox celebration in Hudson Crossing Park’s Labyrinth. The celebration will take place Tuesday, September 22 at 6 p.m.
Rural Soul drummers and dancers will help participants celebrate as they walk the trails. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines along with social distancing will be enforced.
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Plattsburgh restaurants push for another round of payroll protection
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (LOCAL22/44) — To make ends meet, Plattsburgh restaurants are making a push for another round of federal aid.
Until the latest round of assistance wrapped up in early August, the Paycheck Protection Program provides some $620 billion in loans to businesses as an incentive for businesses to keep workers on their payrolls. Supporters of the program say Congress needs to reauthorize another round of PPP to help businesses continue to recover from the pandemic.
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