Kids and too much sugar: Lexington PA gives helpful information and advice on the dangers of excessive sugar consumption for children.

If your kids don’t sleep well, often seem out of sorts and struggle to follow simple instructions, their diet might explain it — especially if they have a sweet tooth.

Poor sleep, moodiness and inattention are signs they may be eating too much sugar, according to Heather Yates-Davis, a physician’s assistant at Novant Health Lexington Primary Care. But those are only a few of the consequences for their health and well-being.

“Too much sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure,” Yates-Davis said. Too much sugar over long periods also puts kids at higher risk for anxiety or depression.

That’s why the American Heart Association recommends children between ages 2 and 18 consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day — including no more than 8 ounces of sugar-sweetened drinks a week. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees. On average, American kids consume more than 65 pounds of added sugar a year.

“I have some patients who consume insane amounts of sugar,” Yates-Davis said. “We want kids to develop good eating habits and healthy routines in their life from an early age.”

Sugar and the brain: Research has linked sugar with short-term memory difficulties, which may affect learning, she said. If a child is inattentive and struggling in school, too much sugar could be to blame. “We know having too much sugar in one day will impair memory temporarily. The question is whether exposure to it every single day for years can lead to impaired memory chronically.” Animal studies are trying to tease out the answer.

For babies and toddlers: Avoid all sugar before age 2 — especially fruit juice. “There is no nutritional value in it,” she said. “This is the time when a child is learning what fruit tastes like — and the juice has a lot more sugar per serving than the fruit would.” Besides protecting emerging teeth from cavities, limiting sugar also helps prevent a preference for sweets.

Food rewards: Treats like fruit gummies, M&Ms and ice cream are popular “prizes” for good behavior. Bad idea. Instead, let your child paste a sticker on a chart when he or she uses the potty or meets another goal and offer a reward for repeated success.

Lighten up: Instead of ice cream, cake, cookies and candy, offer kids healthy alternatives. Good choices include trail mix with dried fruit, seeds and nuts; apples and peanut butter; and your favorite fruit with a dipping sauce. Avoid store-bought dips, which may be high in sugar and fat.

Set an example: Family meals establish good habits that can last a lifetime. “When you start introducing new foods, it’s important that you show enthusiasm as well,” she added. “If you get excited about eating spinach, they’ll get excited about eating it too.”

For older kids: Sooner or later, most kids make friends from homes with more lenient approaches to diet — and once they’re able to drive, they can grab junk food on the sly. But if you can set those habits in place early, teenagers will be more likely to make healthy choices.”

Choose water: Marketed as a way to replenish fluids and/or electrolytes, sports drinks are wildly popular with teens, but the American Academy of Pediatrics says few teens are so active that they need them. If they insist, compare labels — many sports drinks are high in sugar. “Instead, teenagers should be drinking water — eight 8-ounce glasses a day — and a glass of skim milk every day for bone development.”

Read food labels: Beverages (including soft drinks, fruit drinks and energy drinks) are the No. 1 source of added sugars, followed by snacks and sweets. So take the time to read food labels. Watch out for high-fructose corn syrup and for sugar molecules ending in “ose” (such as dextrose, maltose and sucrose). Beware when a package is labeled reduced fat, as that can often mean more sugar.

If your family is consuming too much sugar, it’s smart to cut back — but take it one step at a time. First, stop buying sugary products like cookies and cake. Next, focus on one food habit every day for two weeks — replacing apple juice with water, for example. Then get active — walking 15 minutes a day, for instance.